Saturday, August 31, 2019

Hector Beverages

Marks, Manna, Jamming Kola Kathy, Oakum, Googolplex aka Pain, Mil aka Amman and Clearer, was launched last year with the theme of home made Indian healthy drinks/ Hector Beverages Pet. Ltd. , is a disruptive entrant to the industry with the aim to change this. Priced at RSI 30 for a mall pack, thanks to its innovative packaging and low overheads, the drink is trying to create a space for itself with the customers of different category. As of now, Distribution channel for selling paperboard is direct sales in MAT market and Distributor model in GET market. So, there is no particular distribution channel for Samos. The broad objective of the Short term project Hector Beverages Pet. Ltd. Is to suggest different segments of retail stores where paper boat's presence can be created to increase its sales.The major objectives of this project were 1) As a new beverage company known for wide product portfolio Hector gave the task of Segmentation of retail channels in the Oneida region of NCR a nd developing a go-to market strategy for increasing penetration in this area. 2) Developing database of different stand-alone modern trade stores , traditional read stores and other outlets in Oneida 3) Analyses of various areas of Oneida and its stores 4) During the course of the project covered 80+ outlets in Oneida and recommended 30 outlets along with appropriate the sales promotions strategy. For this we started with the process of segmentation of the stores on the basis of various parameters.The first one being the target group , and we defined the target group based in the interviews we had with the retailers and customers in the Oneida region. Target group : Based on our interviews with the retailers in Oneida region we cached a basic sketch of the typical customers of paper boat in this region. Age: 17 College goers and first Jobbers , people who like to try new beverages and flavors. These people are more health conscious than soda guzzling consumers. One reason is the fa ct that they are out everyday and mostly consume at least one beverage outside the house, either with a meal or Just hanging out with friends over conversation. Hence, these people also look for variety as they are tired of having the same flavors overtime.The most preferred flavors that unanimously all retailers aid sold the most were Am Rasa , Am pain and Clearer. Segmentation : on the basis of presence of target Audience in the vicinity. 1) Perfect Fit – Places where the entire customer base fits into the target group of paper boat. These places have a lot of potential to help increase sales tremendously. College canteens – ASS College , Jayvee college , ABBES college Amity Office cafeterias – -arcs , park , Barclay These stores are visited daily by the same customers and the frequency with which these customers buy beverages is very high, almost one everyday. Hence , these are he best places to reach to our target group.Not only should these places be tapped and paper boat's presence should be made paper boat can be placed and since the customers visit everyday they are likely to try new flavors and get hooked to them ultimately. Sales in these places will ultimately results into popularizing the flavors through word of mouth and customers will start eventually buying paper boar not Just for themselves but to take back home , for family and friends. 2) Almost there – Places where at least 70 percent of the customer base fits into the target group. These are places not inside the institutes and offices but around them. The retail store that most of the college shops from outside , the street snack store that every one goes to once in a while.This would include at least 40 street vendors outside offices park , Barclay in areas like sec 62, 63,58 . 3) Will get there – Places where at least 50% of the customer base fits into the target group. These include both retail stores and eateries . Eateries and coffee shops like those in Oneida , Apparatus and sec 25 which offer a wide variety of food and and the customers usually like it to be accompanied with a average. Matthias shops which serve light snacks like Samos and other Indian variants of it , also fall in the same category. So do the bakeries . All these places , along with the food do sell some beverages and their sales are huge. Paper boat should benefit highly from being present in these places.Another category here are the retails stores in the areas which are frequented by our target group like the ones in B block market of sector 62 , TOT mall , Sector 25 market. Also kiosks on the metro stations – cafe buddy come under the same category. 4) Get in the house This refers to the Modern trade stores. This is not for our target group specifically , this is the route to get into customers home and achieve a status of being on the shopper's list. Big bazaar in sec 18 , Spencer and easy day would all fall in this category. Segmentation : on th e basis of sales This will help us Judge the potential a particular place/segment has to increase the sales of paperboard. To get the Judgment right we have categorized stores into three stores.To understand the potential that the store might have paperboard we have marked the stores on the basis if the sales of coco cola since that is one beverage each one of Hess stores stocked and no other beverage was uniformly present in all the stores. Total coco cola sales will help us understand the amount of sales that can be generated for a beverage in these stores and paper boor needs presence in these stores to take a share of those sales . On these basis we have distributed the stores in to three categories 1) High 2) Medium 3) Low The names are self explanatory and depend entirely on the sales volume of coca cola from these stores. All stores are marked on the high medium low scales in the excel , so please refer to the excel to get a better understanding of the individual store status .

Management of the seas of Southeast Asia Essay

Comprehensive marine and coastal databases are essential for management of the seas of Southeast Asia. Maps of resources found in marine and coastal environments, the sources of potential damage and data to guide managers are the means by which resources can be assessed and managed to maintain marine resources. This information is get by do the oceanographic survey. There is a strong need for data for managers to manage, conserve, remediate, recover and sustain continued use of Southeast Asian coastal and marine resources. This need is met by inspired, knowledgeable and scientific use of data. Also, the importance of monitoring, mapping and management is considered. Currently there are many global databases including global datasets of a general nature. There are also several national databases that are more specific, but access to the information in many of these databases is difficult from an international perspective primarily because of the language barrier. However, there are few regional databases and the existing ones include limited sets of data and information, often collected under the umbrella of the hosting organization. It is very difficult to get a comprehensive overview of which data and information are readily available from public sources at global, regional and national levels and this makes it difficult to assess data and fill information gaps. There is also very little information providing an overview of past or on-going project activities in the region and the lessons-learned from these oceanographic survey activities. Likely reasons are the difficulties in collecting such information and the need for regular verification and updating. In addition, no organization has taken the responsibility, or has been given the mandate, to collect and coordinate information on activities under the various organizations and programmes operating in the region. Data ocenography take time and money to collect and are extremely valuable resources. They affect coastal and marine management decisions and need to be stored and shared. In order to make best use of the efforts undertaken in the Southeast Asian Seas region, increased collaboration between existing projects and programmes would be beneficial in order to increase data oceanography accessibility and address information gaps at national and regional levels. This collaboration may well start with increased information sharing and networking between regional organizations, governments, organisations,  universities and existing database initiatives through further developing mechanisms.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Discovery Wheel & Multiple Intelligences Essay

While evaluating the data from the discovery wheel, it was noted that for the most part all of the team fell into the same range. Most of the team appeared to score above average in all of the categories on the discovery wheel. All six of us scored high in attitude and purpose and all six of us scored low in tests and time. Money was split. For three of the members it was in the top half of the list and was in the bottom half for the other three. Communication, diversity, and memory are in the top half for two team members and in the bottom half for four members. Reading, notes, and health were in the top half for four members and in the bottom half for two members. We all have a great attitude and know our purpose in life but we all have little time and hate taking tests. After seeing the results for all six of us combined, we all have some the same great qualities and each has their own unique qualities to share which makes the six of us one great team. The information on intelligence shows that the group learns through a variety of methods. Some of these methods are interpersonal, mathematical/logical, bodily/kinesthetic, visual/spatial, rhythmic, and intrapersonal. This data shows that the group is a diverse group of people, whereas the discovery wheel shows that the team is relatively in tune and has close to the same score in all areas. Advantages/Challenges of Diversity A successful diverse team can be achieved by bringing people of varying walks of life and geographic areas together so we can blend ideas and experiences to make an interesting and intriguing final product. Every person is different and brings inherent talents to a team. People are from different places and believe different things. People have different opinions and thoughts on numerous issues. These different ways of thinking can often create conflict in a situation. We believe that individual diversity can create different points of view, both culturally and environmentally, that can be utilized to make a much better and more creative final product for the team. The blending of different learning styles can lead to some amazing discoveries and help a group to think outside of the box. If everyone thought the same and had the same strengths, then nothing new or exciting would be accomplished. As long as the eveloping team can agree and establish good rules for communication and conflict management, determine a team leader, and be able to respect and accept constructive criticism from each other, the end result of the team should be an amazing collaboration of ideas. Cultural issues are another challenge of diversity that can affect team interactions through a different understanding of communication. Culture and life experiences have a great influence on how individuals react to feedback. Age creates the potential for communication problems based on different levels of experience and for prejudicial treatment based on age. Gender can also bring different opinions and perspectives that can often lead to problems. Affects of Diversity, Attitude, Learning, and Work Attitude is the key to any team building. Let’s say that a person on a team has a rotten attitude about an assignment, he or she will not be willing to be a team player and complete the task they are supposed to do. If they do their part with a bad attitude, it will not be done properly. However, if everyone in a group has a good attitude and is enthusiastic about an assignment, we will all pass with flying colors. Diversity is very important in a group effort. We all have different points of view. If we have a whole group from different backgrounds, then we can teach each other different ways to look at the world. Sometimes this can cause problems among the group. We don’t always see eye to eye. Having an open mind is very crucial in teamwork. A person with a different outlook on life will have opinions about someone else’s work that they may or may not like. Being open to criticism will help each of us along the way in the journey to our future. The discovery wheel was very beneficial. It helped us learn that we all have different learning and work styles. Some of us are better at researching while others are better and constructive and fluent papers. Working in a team brings out the best of these in all of us. It is constructive when an assignment requires each of us to do a part. When we all do the part that we are best at, we can’t possibly go wrong. Career Interest Profiler and Competencies The results from the Career Interest Profiler show that Team B is Conventional and Enterprising. Out of the three that were listed, Conventional and Enterprising were amongst the list for all team members. The results also showed that two were Investigative, two were Social, and two were Realistic. Team B likes to work with data and details more than ideas. We prefer having a chain of command in place. Enterprising means we like to lead people and are usually the decision makers. With that being said, we move along to the Competencies results and it was no surprise what answers took the top three. All members of Team B take initiative, can cope with pressure, and follow instructions. The team is comprised of people that can research, write, strategize, and deliver results. Half of the team is goal focused and the other half is innovating. Although the competencies are similar amongst the group, each person has their own unique competencies they bring to the table to help make the best team possible. No two team members has the exact same results but it was good to see out of six team members, all six of us had a lot in common. Using Knowledge for Improvement As we come together as a learning team and begin to develop strategies for completing assignments, having the knowledge gained from experiences like the Career Interest Profiler and Career Plan Building Competencies will be very valuable. For the individual, the results can give us confidence in our strengths as we accept assignments and responsibilities within the learning team, as well as knowing the areas where we may need assistance by other team members. This is the first step in becoming a productive team member. That knowledge is then extended to the learning team and we begin to see the value in each individual. The hope is that the combined competencies and varied interests of the group will overcome any weakness we have as individuals. Even more than just overcoming weaknesses as a team, we can also use the strengths of each member to teach, learn, and grow as individuals, which will impact the quality and performance of the team. Each project we take on as a team will require different skills, learning processes, thought processes, and levels of creativity and innovation, which is the basis for developing teams. The more we understand about ourselves and each other, the more cohesive the learning team will become which will lead to better overall performance. Obstacles from Ethical Perspectives While different ethical perspectives provide the team with diverse strengths, weaknesses also exist. Obstacles may arise from these weaknesses and diversity among the team members. Since team members may be driven by different ethics, the inability for members to understand each other’s motivation may become prevalent. While one team member may be motivated by long term results and successes, another may be driven by what is happening immediately, in the here and now. Along with motivation, differences in priorities between ethical perspectives may arise. There may be several members on the team whose priority primarily involves themselves as an individual while other team members may be driven by what is a priority for the team as a whole or the community in which they are a part. Different ethical perspectives also rely on different tools to solve complex problems. Since team members may rely on different tools, there could be conflict about the best way for the team as a whole to resolve an issue or solve a complex problem. Each ethical lens uses a different process to determine the right action. This different use of processes could be perceived as an obstacle. Ethical perspective also determines how team members interact with each other since each different ethical perspective operates under a different set of values. The differences in values can create huge conflicts between team members. These conflicts can inhibit a team’s ability to be effective in working together, agreeing on the right course of action, and ultimately, the team’s overall success. By understanding their own individual ethical perspectives and those of their team members, the team can mitigate or overcome obstacles that arise. Using Factors to Resolve Conflicts Just as diversity, attitude, learning and work styles, and ethical perspective of the learning team members are applied to collaborative assignments, they can be applied to conflict resolution. We all have different ideas of what conflict is. To some a misunderstanding or comment might appear very serious, when another team member doesn’t even notice it at all. These factors also allow us to draw on each other’s strengths when there is conflict present. One team member may be extremely goal and results driven and can help resolve a conflict by bringing other team members back to being focused on completing the task at hand. Another team member may be focused on enhancing relationships and be able to soothe the tension and pressure created by the conflict. Understanding our differences can be used to create a positive environment just as they are used to create negativity during a conflict. Ethical perspective can help each of us remember how the other team member views the world and will help â€Å"bring the person around† when there is conflict. By understanding and accentuating that all of these things make us individuals and having individuals on the team working together, makes the team successful and conflicts can be resolved.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

State Correction System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

State Correction System - Essay Example A community-based corrections system aims to protect the public through effective control of the offender while he is serving his sentence effected through an accurate evaluation of the risks involved in allowing such offender to participate in community activities as well as ensuring effective monitoring and control by officers tasked to supervise the offender while he is serving his sentence. The goal of rehabilitation is made effective through ‘programming’ the offender, which is the process of helping him to reduce his criminal behavior. This can only be done, however, if such offender truly wants to change and accepts help from others. On the other hand, restorative justice, another goal of community based corrections system, is achieved by making the offender perform community service and participate in educational programs where he is made to see the perspectives of victims. Finally, shaming, which is akin to the scarlet-letter punishment employed by the Puritan s ociety, is done by making the offender accept and apologize for his acts publicly. The objective is evidently to deter the offender from committing a similar act in the future (Alarid & del Carmen pp. ...ISP is conducted on offenders who are considered high risk. Intensive surveillance of the offender’s activities coupled with the use of such monitoring systems as Home Electronic Monitoring, telephone, curfews, and home and employment checks are the standard ISP mechanisms used by the Virginia DOC. High risk offenders include sex predators, hate group offenders and those who have graduated from community corrections. HEM, which is a separate program, employs either a tamper-resistant electronic transmitter strapped to the ankle of the offender or a field monitoring device. A $30 fee is assessed from offenders who are made to use a HEM. CRPs make use of transitional residential centers to temporarily house offenders under supervision where they undergo supervised housing, rand om urinalysis, testing, life skills and counseling. Offenders pay for their board and lodging. Diversion centers emphasize work and offenders are given jobs in public works and in prison complexes. They also receive counseling and related programs. Detention centers is a program that takes about 5 to 7 months consisting of military drills and discipline, strict hygiene, and where detainees are made to undergo physical labor. A DSAT consists of substance abuse screening, assessment, testing and treatment. Meanwhile, Virginia’s Sex Offender Supervision program requires certain offenders to register in a registry created for that purpose. The program also includes intense supervision, treatment and subjecting offenders to polygraph tests ( 2011).

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Singapore Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Singapore - Essay Example Singapore's main territory is a diamond-shaped island, although her territory includes surrounding smaller islands. Of Singapore's dozens of smaller islands, Jurong Island, Pulau Tekong, Pulau Ubin and Sentosa are the larger ones. Most of Singapore is no more than 15 meters above sea level. The highest point of Singapore is Bukit Timah, with a height of 164 m or 538 feet and made up of igneous rock, granite. Hills and valleys of sedimentary rock dominate the northwest, while the eastern region consists of sandy and flatter land (Geography and climate). Singapore does not have any natural lakes or rivers, however, reservoirs and water catchments areas were constructed to collect fresh water for Singapore's water supply. Singapore has reclaimed land with earth obtained from its own hills, the seabed, and neighboring countries. As a result, Singapore's land area has grown from 581.5 km in the 1960s to 697.1 km today, and may grow by another 100 km by 2030 (Geography and climate). Singapore has no noteworthy natural resources other than its deep-water harbor. Less than 5% of Singapore's land is used for agriculture; tropical fruits and vegetables are intensively cultivated and poultry and hogs are raised. There are no profitable natural resources in the country (Economy). Singapore was a trading center in the Srivijaya Empire before it was destroyed in the 14th cent. by the Majapahit empire. It later became part of Johore in the Malacca Sultanate. The thinly populated island was ceded (1819) to the British East India Company through the efforts of Sir T. Stamford Raffles; he founded the modern city of Singapore there that same year. In 1824, Singapore came under the complete control of the British and, although containing only a little fishing and trading village, quickly attracted Chinese and Malay merchants. The port grew quickly, soon overwhelming Penang and Malacca in importance. Then Singapore became part of the Straits Settlements in 1826 (The development of Singapore). Figure 2 Statue of Thomas Stamford Raffles by Thomas Woolner, erected at the spot where he first landed in Singapore (Singapore). The progress of Malaya under British rule in the late 19th and early 20th cent. made Singapore one of the most important ports of the world for the export of tin and rubber. The construction of a railroad through the Malay Peninsula to Bangkok swelled Singapore's trade, and the building of airports made it more than ever a communication center. A naval base at Sembawang, begun in 1924, was completed in 1938; the island, sometimes called the Malta of the East, was reinforced in the early days of World War II (The development of Singapore). After the speedy Japanese crusade in Malaya, however, Singapore was successfully attacked across the Johore Strait, and on Feb. 15, 1942, the British garrison surrendered; Singapore was reoccupied by the British in Sept. 1945. In 1946, Singapore, no longer a part of the Straits Settlements, was constituted a crown colony, with Christmas Island and the Cocos (Keeling) Islands. Following a decade of Communist terrorism, Singapore, separated from Chri stmas Island

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 30

Case Study Example Steven further states that the modern business environment does not have many managers firing their employees, and this is because there are many legal processes that may follow which may impede the operations and performance of the organization. An example is if an employee files a lawsuit citing wrongful employment termination and this has the repercussion of slowing down the development of the organization (Shaer 10). There are various important concepts to understand when counseling an underperforming employee and one of these concepts is ensuring that the employee does not rationalize his or her performance. Many employees offer excuses for their underperformance, and consequently many managers end up not guiding these employees to quality performance. Eliminating rationalization ensures that the employees accept the fact that they have performed poorly and thus generate a plan through which they can improve their performance (Shaer 25). Another concept to comprehend when carrying out the counseling process is offering the employees a chance to state their views regarding the manager’s perception of the performance. Many times the employees have influential, quality views regarding the counseling did, and it is essential that the managers offer them a chance to air views (Shaer 25). Underperforming employees rationalize their state in an organization through many different ways. One of the ways through which employees do this is by denying the fact that they have performed poorly. Most of the employees that deny the subtle performance state that the method used by the manager to determine the state of the employee’s performance is fraud, and the measurement is rather wrong. Another way through which employees rationalize subtle performance is by accepting but offering an excuse where they state that they may be performing poorly but that they make up for this through other different ways. Another way through which underperforming employees rationalize

Monday, August 26, 2019

Global Operations managenment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Global Operations managenment - Essay Example In order to address this issue, PPQ Parts should uphold a decent relationship with every stakeholder of the country and do not engage into any activity which cause impairment to the reputation and goodwill of PPQ Parts. 1. The foremost economic issue for PPQ Parts would of exchange rate fluctuations. These adverse movements in foreign exchange rate can harm the company’s profits. So in order to mitigate this risk, PPQ Parts should implement a reasonable hedging strategy to combat this foreign exchange currency risk. 2. Another economic issue that the company might have to face is the level of inflation in the foreign country. Due to inflation, the cost of goods sold of PPQ Parts may increase resulting in lower profits. So in order to avoid this situation, PPQ Parts should estimate the reasonable demand of the PPQ Parts’ products and contract with the suppliers to fix the rates of materials for future

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Media literacy should be taught to boys ages 6-12 to understand the Essay

Media literacy should be taught to boys ages 6-12 to understand the dangers of professional wrestling - Essay Example Since there is no filter available that can discriminate what content suits what age bracket, therefore the impacts can be quite adverse. Media literacy education is very essential because it will help children to discriminate the content on their own and would eventually help them to choose what is feasible for them. The age bracket from six to twelve years is very fragile where a child adapts a lot thus it is very important to assist them and provide them with the basic knowledge so that they do not implement what they see. Thus it is very important to inculcate media literacy amongst young children so that they understand the adverse impacts of professional Wrestling."By its very nature, professional  wrestling promotes violence  as a reason to watch. With all the  brutality in this world  Zillmann and Bryant (1994) argued that audiences, especially  children, seek out arousing entertainment to relieve boredom." (Oppliger, 2004) Firstly professional wrestling has evolved tremendously since it has been given the criteria of a sport. This sport has another very important side to it, which is the entertainment factor it provides. When young children have access to wrestling they not only get enthralled by the entertainment factor but also the stunts done leave a very profound impact on their mind. They develop this wrong approach that they can practice the same stunts at home, school or other places. They do not realize that the stunts performed there are under strict supervision and are a result of intense practice. Without any supervision or practice the young children involve in wrestling activities which can result in serious injuries and damage to health. When children are not educated about the adverse impacts associated with wrestling they will not only damage themselves but others as well. Furthermore it needs to be realized here that children adapt whatever they see. Hence it is very important to educate them about wrestling so that they do n ot implement what they see. Secondly another issue that can arise if young children have access to professional wrestling is that they learn to use abusive language. "any greater degree of violence than is occasioned by blows,  wrestling, and pulling of the hair; and their  abusive language." (Rees, 1905) These matches it has been observed that the wrestlers tend to use such abusive terms which are not suitable for the young minds. Many a times it has been seen that children use the language they learn from these wrestling at home; school etc. and when they are asked from where they learned such language they usually blame wrestling. Children who are belonging to the age bracket of six to ten are at a stage of developing. Their reflexes are becoming sharper and their cognition is developing. During this phase if they start to learn such abusive language that will always have a very drastic impact on their overall upbringing. These words are then used at various instances reflect ing their learning from these wrestling programs. Language is very important when it comes to young children and if they do continue to watch such programs which promote abusive language then the impacts can be quite adverse. Thirdly another major danger that can damage the young minds is the propagation of vulgarity, profanity and female adolescence.These shows have become an emblem of vulgarity. Young children

Saturday, August 24, 2019

The Cold War and it's Aftermath Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

The Cold War and it's Aftermath - Term Paper Example Instead, political, economical, and ideological differences among the world nations eventually led to the formation of two distinct blocs, the Western and the Eastern. Eventually, the whole world became under the threat of an imminent war between these blocs. But both the Western and Eastern blocs did not try to indulge in a direct fight. Instead, global arm race and ideological conflict became the focal point of the Cold War. Thesis statement: The Cold War resulted in political conflict, military conflict, ideological conflict and global arms race, and eventually led to the decline of communism, growth of capitalism, growth of the U.S. as a global superpower, and the rapid spread of democracy. One can easily identify the fact that the political ideologies of the Western and Eastern blocs were entirely different. To be specific, the political ideology of the Western bloc was democracy. On the other side, the Eastern bloc was deeply influenced by Communist ideology. This fundamental d ifference eventually led to political propaganda and political conflict. Richard Saull states that â€Å"The Cold War, then, was not a genuine international conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union, but primarily a relationship that facilitated each side in its attempts to realize its goals within its own sphere of influence.; for the United States, this was the dominance of the postwar capitalist order and for the USSR the internal security of the rule of the CPSU.†1 To be specific, both the blocs considered that political propaganda is an easy way to influence nonaligned nations. The Eastern bloc under USSR began to influence the neighboring nations and considered that the Western bloc is an imminent threat to their political interest. On the other side, the Western bloc under the U.S. began to influence the European nations. This initiative to divide the whole world nations into two blocs resulted in long lasting political conflict in America, Europe, and As ia. Military conflict The military conflict within the context of Cold War was limited to the context of threatening each other by exhibiting military superiority because both the sides possessed nuclear arms. Besides, both the sides were aware of the possibility of large scale destruction and its economic burden. So, the Western and the Eastern blocs strengthened their military forces, but did not try to attack each other. But the Suez Crisis (say, in the year 1956) the Cuban Missile Crisis (say, in the year 1962) and the â€Å"Able Archer† NATO military exercises (say, in the year 1983) led the whole world to suspect the possibility of military conflict during the Cold War. In short, military coalition and deployment of military forces was common during the Cold War era. Ideological conflict As pointed out, ideological difference was one among the grass root level reasons behind the Cold War. To be specific, the ideological conflict during the Cold War era was between commu nism and capitalism. Raymond P. Ojserkis makes clear that â€Å"A wide variety of other disagreements existed as well, many stemming from the Soviet distaste for the American vision of a postwar world dominated by relatively free trade (with currencies pegged to dollar) and elected governments.†2 One can see that the communist nations under the leadership of USSR tried to install the spirit of communism among their allies. This eventually led to the global propaganda against capitalism. On the other side, the Western bloc under the leaders

Friday, August 23, 2019

About Sallie martin Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

About Sallie martin - Essay Example She was absorbed in a nearby Hospital while pursuing her desires in gospel in her off hours. She had heard of Thomas A. Dorsey that had electrifying gospel then in Chicago church culture that saw her arranged an audition. However, Sallie’s down-home style initially was at odds with Thomas A Dorsey’s fledging movement but later in 1927 joined the Dorsey Trio despite her serious misgivings about her unrefined style characterized with groaning and whooping besides a great deal of physical movement besides being unable to read music (Young 1997). Martin made her debut with his team in Ebenezer Church and in 1933 produced her first solo that instantly connected her with fans. She opened a music store that accrued a lot of profits leading to an adversarial and respectful relationship with Dorsey as they each inter-depended. Following the saturation of Dorsey songs in Chicago, she traveled to Cleveland in 1933 where she organized a chorus setting similar teams in South and Midwest. Martin and Dorsey became the co-founders, and organizers of the National Convention of Gospel Choirs and choruses serving as the vice-president till her death. She went solo in 1940 and teamed up with Ruth Jones, a young pianist. Martin together with gospel composer Kenneth Morris teamed up in 1940 with financial backer Rev. Clarence H. Cobb forming Martin and Morris, Inc. publishing company, the biggest of kind in America and performed with Ruth and arranger Roberta Martin. Sallie formed the Sallie Martin Singers with Roberta Martin, Eugene Smith and Willie Webb, the first female group in gospel history. Martin traveled the Gospel concert circuit as a soloist in conjunction with her singer team that stayed up to mid-1950s. Martin contributed greatly taking the leading role in the French production of ‘Gospel Caravan in Paris in 1979. Her hits were â€Å"Just A Closer Walk with Thee† and â€Å"God Put A Rainbow in the Clouds† and â€Å"He’ll Wash You Whiter Than Snow.† She was an